Remember when I attended The Yoga Expo LA? One of the products that I discovered while at the expo is Teamotions, which are billed as teas for emotional well-being.
The company was founded by Rachel & Crystal Tenpenny, two sisters from Ojai, CA. They started the company about 10 years ago. After sampling some of their teas at the booth, I ended up buying the Find Strength tea which is a Passionfruit Jasmine Green Tea. I also bought their Discover Joy tea which is a Lemon Vanilla Green Tea.
During the Yoga Expo, Rachel hosted a Teamotions Lunch & Learn. During the lecture, she explained how the company uses whole leaf tea, as well as scientifically supported adaptogen herbs & botanicals in each of their blends. These herbs boost immunity, promote balance in the body & work to restore emotional well-being.
I was curious to understand more about the company. After the conference, I kept in touch with Rachel & Crystal. I wanted to interview Rachel & share her story with my readers. Fortunately she agreed! 🙂
Please meet Rachel Tenpenny of Teamotions!
How/why did you begin your business?
Rachel: Long before Crystal and I started Teamotions, we were sisters. In 2008, my baby daughters died a few weeks after they were born. In the months following, Crystal and I spent as much time together as we could navigating this unexpected and heartbreaking tragedy. I sought help, scoured the internet, attended grief groups, and read books, but at the end of the day, it just wasn’t enough. We were both feeling the frustration of needing more but not knowing what more was.
I always had a cup of tea in my hand no matter where I was or what I was doing. One morning, I was having a particularly hard time, so Crystal wedged herself next to me in the big brown armchair I often sat in and said, “I wish there was something I could put in your tea to make you feel better.” At that moment we both looked at each other and knew we had to create a tea that could make people feel better!
Without hesitation, we began our research. We read books, made phone calls, consulted with doctors, naturopaths, and herbalists. We attended expos to learn as much as we could about the tea industry, wellness, emotional health and healing, and, of course, launching a business. We quickly discovered that a product like ours didn’t exist. There were teas for tummy aches and sore throats, for sleep and energy, but no teas for emotional needs.
And that is when Teamotions was born. It took us a year and a half to formulate our blends, making sure every ingredient was purposeful, every blend was beautiful, and every sip was therapeutic and delicious. Teamotions line of teas is the first (and only) line of teas specifically for emotional well-being and healing.
Teamotions teas are the foundation I built my healing on. I still drink them, and so does Crystal, every day in fact. They have helped both of us take better care of our hearts in every season of our lives. We hope our story inspires you to use Teamotions teas to take better care of your heart too and cultivate emotional well-being with every sip.
As a working mother, what is one tip or piece of advice that you would give to other female entrepreneurs?
Rachel: Let your kids see you work. Mompreneurs have a wonderful opportunity to be living examples of courage, hard work, and self-discipline. Stop allowing yourself to be overwhelmed by all the things you aren’t doing and focus on all the things you are doing like being a powerful woman and showing your kids what that looks like.
You’ll never be able to have it all. No one can have it all, it’s a lie that society tries to get you to buy into. Resist the lie. You might not be able to have it all, but you can have what’s most important to you and let your kids see you pursuing and striving for that.
Embrace the privilege of setting your priorities and live by them. And involve your kids in it as much as possible. They are more capable than you know and better to see what mom does and how hard she works than think food ends up on the table my magic and the bills pay themselves. There are five hundred different way to do mompreneurship well. Let your kids see you figure it out!
What do you like best about having this Southern California business?
Rachel: Teamotions is a wellness company and Southern Californians actively pursue products and information that help them live healthier lives. We love offering our experience, expertise, and products to such an ideal demographic who really take what we have to offer and transform their well-being. It’s rewarding.
If there was one thing you wish you knew before you began your business, what would that be?
Rachel: I wish that someone told me how hard it is to grow a business. I used to interpret the struggle as failing or doing it wrong, but now I know it’s hard for everyone because it is simply just hard to grow a company. The success is in the perseverance. If it was easy everyone would do it. So now when it is hard, I just work harder and I don’t take it so personally. For years I thought I sucked but now I realize I don’t suck at all, it’s just tough. I’ve learned to be tougher.
Rachel’s journey is so inspiring, not just from a business perspective but from an emotional one as well! To build a company from the ground up, under trying circumstances is amazing. I think we can all learn from her perseverance, creativity & strength.
Teamotions ships throughout the United States (including Hawaii & Alaska). Want to try the Teamotions teas for yourself? I have a special offer for my readers! Use promo code RMSFV for a 10% discount.
For more information on Teamotions, visit their website here. Also, don’t forget to check out the company’s Facebook page so that you can get the latest updates!
Disclosure: No monetary compensation was received for this post. This blog post is for informational purposes only. All images are my own unless otherwise noted. As always, my opinions are 100% my own.
I enjoy a nice cup of hot tea in the evening before bedtime. Their fusion flavors look interesting and I enjoy supporting wellness companies.