Sometimes it’s a challenge to get our little ones adjusted to the idea of returning to school. Many kids are going back this month or right after Labor Day weekend. There’s a book called On My Way to School that is just perfect for kids between the ages of 3-7 years old that will encourage them to look forward to school by just using their imagination! The book is about a little girl named Livi who does not want to go to school. She would … [Read more...]
An Insider’s Guide to Using the Opoli App
There are several ride-sharing apps out there in the marketplace. You know the ones, they rhyme with “rift” & “tuber.” ;) However what sets Opoli apart is that this app lets the customer & provider do business one-to-one in real time. Once the connection is made, then Opoli lets you do your thing! Plus, all Opoli drivers are commercially licensed AND insured professional providers. Thus making Opoli rides a safer & better … [Read more...]
Care Bears Love to Learn – App Review
My daughter loves playing with her dad's iPad. I try to make sure she balances electronic entertainment with reading (an actual book, not on a tablet), playing with her toys & going on play dates with friends. Believe it or not, she's been on an actual play date (both at our home & at her friend's house), where she's asked "Can we play with the iPad?" Sigh... Enter the new Care Bears Love to Learn app which is the first early learning … [Read more...]
Meeting Alison Sweeney – Author, Actress & Mother
A couple of Mondays ago, I had the opportunity to meet Alison Sweeney at Duff’s Cakemix in Los Angeles. Melissa Musen Gerstein of The Moms was hosting a meet & greet with Alison, who was promoting her latest book Scared Scriptless. You probably know Alison from her various TV show credits, such as The Biggest Loser or Days of Our Lives. I had been to Duff’s Cakemix before, having taken my daughter to decorate cupcakes over Spring … [Read more...]
David Gray’s Latest Album “Mutineers” Drops June 17th!
The following post is sponsored by One2One Network. All opinions are 100% my own. I'm always on the hunt for new music by different artists. I love listening to music in the car (especially when I am stuck in LA traffic), while I am working out & at home when I am cleaning, answering emails or trying to write out my latest blog post. :) David Gray is an artist from the UK who came on the scene in the late 90's with his big hit … [Read more...]
Getting Back to Basics with “Retro Baby”
When my daughter was born (back in 2006), I tried to glean as much information possible from various baby websites to educate myself on all things related to the baby. I also read some of the books in the "What to Expect…" series but I ended up feeling overwhelmed with so much information. How I had longed for a simple, easy-to-read book that gave helpful advice on how to bond with your infant/toddler. Well moms, have I got a book for you! … [Read more...]