Hello! This is my very first post to my brand new blog, “Real Mom of SFV.” The name of the blog is a spin on those “Real Housewives” shows, which I am a fan of & the “SFV” stands for San Fernando Valley, which is where I live.
Recently I had lunch with a friend of mine, where we discussed the season finale of “Mad Men” along with other things. It came up in conversation that I have watched all of the “Real Housewives” shows since the franchise started. These shows are my guilty pleasure, much like other folks watch singing competitions or dating shows. I have to say also that I am a HUGE fan of Mad Men, Homeland, Downton Abbey and The Killing. You would be amazed (or appalled) at my DVR list.
The way I can explain this is by way of the high-low concept. You know how Michelle Obama will take a fancy designer dress & then pair it with a J. Crew cardigan? This is mixing high & low brands. I do the same, but regarding highbrow tv shows, mixed with lowbrow (albeit trashy) reality tv shows. Make sense?
All I can say is, thank goodness for cable & the invention of the DVR!
I’m sure that I’m not the only one who has high/low tv viewing habits. What say you? I would love to hear what some of your favorite tv shows are – guilty pleasures or not.
Yay, so you’ve joined the blogosphere, RMSFV! I avoid reality/trash TV like the plague, although will own up to watching the first two seasons of Survivor. My TV tastes are pretty eclectic – from Modern Family to Person of Interest to The Walking Dead and Sons of Anarchy.
I will fess up to a recent guilty pleasure – Lifetime movies! In the past month or so I’ve watched “A Mother’s Rage,” “Gone Missing,” and “Dirty Little Secret,” lol. I will be avoiding “Anna Nicole,” however. I do have my standards. 🙂
Where’s my comment on my blog? Lol. Kidding, kidding 😀
I tried to post a comment when you first wrote the article on the Mud Run, but it wouldn’t take it. I’ll try again. 🙂
Thanks for commenting! I always find it interesting to hear what other people watch on tv. Come on, I just know you are dying to watch Anna Nicole on Lifetime. 😉
This Robbie. Good blog. So you’ll be sending us your blog any time?
Thanks Robbie! I’ll post on Facebook every time I put a new blog article. That way you’ll know to check. 🙂
Welcome to the world of blogging! Yay! Can’t wait to see more of your mommy posts!
On days that I don’t feel like “thinking” and just want a complete break, I tune in to the Kardasian show. Complete mindless watching. Lol.
Thanks for your comment! I fold laundry sometimes with the Kardashian’s playing in the background. It makes for good “background noise” – LOL! 🙂
you, know, I don’t think I have any TV show guilty pleasures…maybe need to get some. :O)
It’s probably better that you don’t have any! 🙂
Love it! And you and I are SOOO alike! So glad we met at the Rosie Pope event!
I’m glad we met too! So funny that we both come from the VA industry. It was fun to “talk shop” at The Grove. 🙂
Hi Jennifer!
That sandwich you had at the Trails Cafe looks delish! I’m not sure if you know but there’s a great hike that starts on vermont and goes all the way to the same spot as the Fern Dell hike. Its a little longer but such a great workout. If you don’t know about it already and would like to check it out, message me and i’d gladly send you the directions =D
I stumbled on your blog through the Los Angeles tag and wanted you to be one of the first to know that we are launching an event website called wigo events. Our site focuses on a community of users in Los Angeles sharing cool events that they know about, and we would love to have you be a part of it! If you are interested in being one of our very first users please leave us your email address at the link right below, sorry its so long, don’t know how to add a hyperlink in the comment section haha. Once our site goes live in the next few months, we’ll let you know!
Hi Sara,
Thanks for your response! I’ve heard of the hike from Vermont – will have to try it one day. I checked out your website/blog & it looks cool – now I’m following it! Thanks for sharing it with me & sending me the link. I definitely want to be a part of it.
OK! So as we don’t have cable – I can’t comment about shows (although if we did have channels – I would I probably be hooked on cooking shows like Giada or Barefoot Contessa)… I do read non stop, though, and have been known to have a wooden spoon in one hand stirring dinner and a book in the other completely absorbed in the story… fortunately, I haven’t burned anything yet doing this! 😉
It’s probably best that you don’t have cable. Your kids won’t have distractions. 🙂 I love that you read while you cook!