The other day I felt conflicted while packing my daughter’s school lunch. What should I give her for snack time? Cheesy flavored crackers? Another apple sauce pouch? Then I really felt indecisive – what Goodkid snack bar should I include? Yeah I realize these are #firstworld problems, but seriously folks, these delicious bars come in 3 yummy flavors: Oatmeal Raisin, Apple Cinnamon & Lemon Blueberry. I’m partial to Lemon Blueberry, but I know most kids would like Apple Cinnamon.
So let’s back-up a bit & let me explain who & what is Goodkid Foods. These Goodkid bars were created by Ashleigh & it was born out of a need for low sugar, satisfying snacks for her two children.
These bars contain half the sugar of a leading kids’ snack bar – about 5 or 6 grams, as opposed to 10 or 12 grams in those other snack bars. Goodkid snack bars are certified gluten-free & contain no GMOs, yay!! For some parents who are concerned about peanut allergies (like I am), take note that these bars are peanut-free. They also contain organic fruit.
So now when I am packing my kiddo’s lunch, I can feel at ease knowing that these snack bars are made with only good stuff that helps her body & mind grow!
So where can you find these bars? Goodkid snack bars are available in select Whole Foods Markets, & independent retails stores nationwide (like Nordstrom eBar). I did happen to see these bars at my local Nordstrom when I may or may not have been shopping during their huge summer sale! Shhh…don’t tell hubby that I was “window shopping” at Nordie’s. 🙂
Oh & don’t think these bars are just for kids. I snagged these babies from the sampler pack so that I could munch on them during a recent blogger conference. All of that networking (with no official snack breaks) can make this mom hangry!!
For more info on Goodkid snack bars, check out their website & don’t forget to follow them on Facebook to get their latest updates!
Disclosure: No monetary compensation was received for this post. I received a generous sampler pack from Goodkid Foods which helped facilitate this review. All images are my own unless otherwise noted. As always, my opinions are 100% my own.
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