Lana Manganiello is the founder of Kid Spot, which is a high quality child care service that provides safe & fun child enrichment programs on premises at local businesses. Lana has partnered with fitness studios like Bar Method in Silver Lake, SYCLE in Toluca Lake & Dragonfly Cycling in Sherman Oaks, offering parents a chance to get their work out on while their little ones are in a room nearby learning songs, dancing & even doing kids yoga!
It’s a unique business idea that is so needed. I can’t tell you how much I would have wanted something like this when my daughter was younger. Often times I had to try to get a relative to babysit so that I could get my fitness work out in or try to cram it in while she was at preschool for 4 hours (in between cleaning the house, running errands, etc.). Workouts are usually the last thing on a mom’s mind but having this service would make it so much easier. Plus not only does mom get a break, but the child will engage in a fun program with other kids!
Kid Spot employees are carefully vetted & hired after background checks & fingerprinting. They are also trained & insured. A small child to teacher ratio ensures that your kid has one on one attention from Kid Spot employees!
Please meet the latest Real Mom of the SFV, Lana Manganiello!
How/why did you begin your business?
Lana: After I had my daughter I saw that there are tons of resources for parenting, child rearing and child enrichment but realized there was not much available in regards to personal wellness and self-care in early parenthood. I saw a dramatic difference in my mental well-being, parenting ability and satisfaction when I utilized childcare and got back to regular group yoga classes about 8 weeks after my baby was born. I knew that a lot of new moms were unable to take time for themselves because of a lack of childcare resources. I also noticed that there was no standard of care in the temporary childcare and babysitting space. I decided that I would create something that set a high standard in temporary childcare and allowed for parents to utilize childcare without any guilt or worry.
As a working mother, what is one tip or piece of advice that you would give to other female entrepreneurs?
Lana: I would say don’t waste your precious and finite energy feeling guilty.
What do you like best about having a business in the San Fernando Valley?
Lana: I love how family friendly and community oriented the Valley is.
If there was one thing you wish you knew before you began your business, what would that be?
Lana: My business isn’t quite a year old yet so I feel like it’s all been lesson after lesson so far. Luckily, none of them have been too dramatic. I guess I am glad I only knew what I knew when I started, otherwise I may not have set out to create this thing.
For more information on Kid Spot, visit the website here. Also don’t forget to check out the company’s Facebook page so that you can get their latest updates!
Disclosure: No monetary compensation was received for this post. The image shown in this post is used with permission. As always, my opinions are 100% my own.
Sarah Harris | says
This is such a great service! I wish this was around when my kids were babies! Congratulations to Lana!
Sarah Harris | recently posted…IT’S NO OPRIL FOOLS – YOU & O ON A CRUISE!
Jennifer says
Isn’t it a terrific idea, Sarah?! Thanks for checking out my interview/blog post!