If you ask parents, potty training is one of the biggest challenges they face with their toddlers. I remember when my daughter was in preschool & in order to move up to the next class level, she had to be potty trained. We read storybooks about going to the potty, but she was nervous about using it. My kiddo’s preschool teacher really worked with her to overcome her fear. Plus I used candy to reward her for using the toilet. Then voilà…she was potty trained after several months.
Laura Gehl is a children’s book author with a new book on a familiar subject for parents – using the potty. “Peep and Egg: I’m Not Using the Potty” stars Peep, an adorable yellow chick & her younger sibling named Egg.
When Peep explains to Egg that it’s time to learn how to use the potty, a tug of war ensues. It seems no matter what big sis says to bribe or cajole Egg, the inevitable response is “I’m NOT using the potty.”
It’s unclear whether it’s the toilet paper (“too tangly”), the seat (“too slippery”), or the flushing (“too noisy”) that Egg finds most objectionable, but whether for one reason or all, it’s a no-go. However, the resourceful Peep has one more device in play – which is that Peep keeps handing Egg glasses of lemonade and after a time, Egg realizes that when nature calls, sometimes you can’t say no.
The book is wonderfully illustrated by Joyce Wan, a New Jersey-based illustrator. Young children will love the sweetly drawn sibling chicks & their animal friends. I have no doubt that parents & kids alike will enjoy this book!
“Peep and Egg: I’m Not Using the Potty” is available now wherever books are sold. For more information on Laura Gehl, check out her website at www.lauragehl.com/.
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So tell me, was potty training easy or difficult for your family?
Disclosure: No monetary compensation was received for this post. I received a complimentary book which helped facilitate this review. My opinions & images are 100% my own.
Potty training is difficult. Been working on my 3 year old for months now and she’s so reluctant. 🙁
We have a Peep and Egg book that my toddler loves. Potty training went pretty easily for us. Thank goodness!
Oh half and half here! One was easy….this one not so much! I think this book would be so helpful for him!
would be great for my daughter
Lol I wish it was easy.
It wasn’t too bad.
I went smoothly for us
Potty training was easy. I had a girl. She was very easy. I’m curious how a boy will be different.