Twenty-two years ago, Hey Arnold! premiered on Nickelodeon. It aired on Nick TV from 1996 until 2004. Fans were introduced to Arnold, a fourth grader who lived in the big city with his grandparents.
On November 20th, Hey Arnold!: The Ultimate Collection will be released on DVD. This special compilation includes 18-discs with all 100 episodes from the show’s original five season run, plus new-to-DVD bonus features & two discs that feature the original films Hey Arnold!: The Movie as well as Hey Arnold!: The Jungle Movie.
For over twenty years, fans of the classic coming-of-age series have remained loyal to Arnold, the relatable kid living with his whacky grandparents in their boarding home, and his group of loveable, city-dwelling friends. With “Hey Arnold!: The Ultimate Collection”, fans can relive every schoolyard shenanigan in fan-favorite episodes like “Stoop Kid” and “Downtown as Fruits;” laugh along with popular characters Helga, Gerald, Phoebe and more; and finally solve the mystery of Arnold’s missing parents in the latest adventure, “Hey Arnold!: The Jungle Movie.”
Produced by Nickelodeon Home Entertainment & distributed by Paramount Home Media Distribution, Hey Arnold!: The Ultimate Collection will be available on DVD starting November 20th for the suggested retail price of $50.99.
How would you like to win the Hey Arnold!: The Ultimate Collection DVD?
One Real Mom of SFV reader will win this prize pack. Please enter below for a chance to win.
**NOTE: A winner will be chosen on Tuesday, November 27th**
Rules: United States Residents ONLY. One prize per household. One winner will be randomly selected via RaffleCopter and notified via email. Winner must respond within 48 hours to claim the prize or a new winner will be chosen via RaffleCopter. The prize will be fulfilled directly by the sponsor. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to send me an email to
So tell me, if you win the Hey Arnold! prize pack, who will you give it to?
Disclosure: No monetary compensation was received for this post. Nickelodeon Home Entertainment is generously sponsoring this giveaway contest. The images shown in this post are used with permission. As always, my opinions are 100% my own.
Shelbie says
I would keep the movies for myself and play them for younger siblings and kids!
Jennifer says
If I win I’m going to give this to my sister.
Danny D. says
If I win, I’d give this to my nephews 🙂
Bernie Wallace says
If I win, I would give this to my brother. He loved this child when we were younger. Thanks for hosting.
Samantha says
It will go to my son if I am so blessed to win! I grew up with Hey Arnold ! I want to watch it again.
Amber Cheras says
I’d love to give this to my niece!
bill norris says
my nephew would get this if i won.
Derek Johns says
I loved Hey Arnold as a kid so I would keep it for myself
Jessica mcfarlin says
I would keep it and watch it with my 5 year old! This was my show back in the day :)!
Sylvie says
I would really love to win this boxset!
Sylvie says
I want to win!
Nancy Loring says
I would watch these with my son and my grandson. My son and I have a lot of great memories watching Hey Arnold together.
Autumn says
I would watch it with my son. This was definitely a favorite of mine growing up.
Noah R says
I would give it to my brother because he loves those 90’s cartoons. Thanks for the giveaway!!
John Smith says
“If you win the Hey Arnold! prize pack, who will you give it to?” To a deserving relative.
Laura L. says
I would give these to my son who would share with his cousin
Shakeia Rieux says
I would keep it for myself.
Laurajj says
Oh I have a nephew with autism and he would love this! I would love to win and give it to him!
cyndi br says
I would give this to my kids to watch
Dynal Roberson says
I would give this to my daughter and my husband so that they can have some bonding time.
brittany doerfler says
Honestly if I win I will keep it for myself as I grew up watching hey arnold!