Recently my family was invited to see an early screening of “Migration” an animated movie made by Illumination, the creators behind the Minions, Despicable Me, Sing and The Secret Life of Pets comedies. In the film, you meet the Mallards, a family of ducks who live in a New England pond. Mack Mallard the dad (voiced by Kumail Nanjiani), mom Pam (Elizabeth Banks), teen son Dax (Caspar Jennings) and little Gwen (Tresi Gazal) go on an … [Read more...]
“You Should Have Left” Thrills & Chills
"You Should Have Left" is a thrilling adaptation of a book written by German author Daniel Kehlmann. The movie stars Kevin Bacon as Theo, a wealthy banker, and Amanda Seyfried as Susanna, Theo's much younger wife, who is also an actress. Theo is a high-strung, Type A personality, who suffers from horrible nightmares and listens to a mindful meditation app while journaling, all in an effort to soothe his soul. Since Susanna has an upcoming … [Read more...]