Judy Santos is the CEO & founder of OfficeSlice, which is a coworking space located in Sherman Oaks, right on Ventura Blvd. I was introduced to Judy via social media. As a busy mom, Judy wears a lot of “hats” as both a CEO as well as running a thriving career/life coach practice.
Please meet the Founder and CEO of OfficeSlice, Judy Santos!
How/why did you begin your business?
Judy: The idea came to me in a very roundabout way. I was working of a nonprofit that was headquartered in Orange County, however, my territory was the San Fernando Valley, Santa Clarita Valley, Palmdale / Lancaster and Riverside. Many days I was in the car, driving, and overseeing and working with my team members, other times I worked at home since we did not have local offices. The first six months I enjoyed the challenge and the work. As time went on, I found it harder and harder to open my computer when I worked at home, and I had no idea why.
Having lunch with a contact, I mentioned my struggle. They suggested I find a coworking space and referred me to a space in Santa Monica. So I went, and really liked being in an atmosphere with others working, and not being at home. I was hooked. I tried out a few other spaces in Santa Monica, and really liked having an opportunity to work with focus, mingle with others, and be done with my work once I got home. I decided to find a coworking space closer to home to join. I live in Sherman Oaks, and found nary a coworking space. And that’s when I started getting the niggling idea that there may be an opportunity for me. The valley is full of creative, independent workers, and if they suffered from isolation, or from a good productive space to get their work done, like I did, then the possibility for a thriving coworking space was incredibly possible.
As a working mother, what is one tip or piece of advice that you would give to other female entrepreneurs?
Judy: Moms can do anything, right? We can cook, clean and keep a house that would make Martha Steward jealous, plus make a million dollars right off the bat with our business idea. But actually, the best thing to do, is to let that idea go. Martha has a huge staff! You don’t.
In my Business Builder Coaching Program I coach many people that are trying to have it all, a skyrocketing business, family time, fun time and alone time. The truth is you can’t have it all. You can make room for those things that are important to you every day, and that can make you feel like you do have it all.
My advice is, let it go! Let go of that idea that is being fed to us by the media. Incorporate more breathing time, like taking up a meditation practice or working out. Remember Martha Stewart took a long time to get where she is presently, and if that is what you want, you will achieve that as well! Patience and persistence.
What do you like best about having a business in the San Fernando Valley?
Judy: As I mentioned earlier, I was commuting a lot for my previous employer. What I like best about working in the San Fernando Valley, is no commute! I also love the proximity to so many great restaurants, movie theatres, family outings, hikes, parks and of course the great friendly family feel that we possess.
If there was one thing you wish you knew before you began your business, what would that be?
Judy: Everything takes 3 x longer than what you planned, and what all those business magazines and books tell you! Patience and persistence are your friends.
I wished someone had suggested I join a Mastermind group of other business owners and entrepreneurs. This would have been an extremely helpful benefit. You have the opportunity to network with others, as well as brainstorm and collaborate on ideas that may have never crossed your plate if you went at it alone.
Don’t you just love Judy’s advice about “letting things go” & to be patient? Our society is so used to instant gratification that we think the same should happen in building a business. I agree 100% with her belief in that “patience and persistence are your friends.” Amen to that!
If you would like more information about OfficeSlice, check out the website here. Also don’t forget to follow OfficeSlice on Twitter & Facebook to get their latest updates!
Disclosure: No monetary compensation was received for this post. The image shown in this post is used with permission. As always, my opinions are 100% my own.
Alice says
Love that quote “Martha has a huge staff, you don’t!” That’s as Oprah would say, a tweetable. The patience and persistence part is some of the best advice I’ve heard in a long time. We get so caught up in rags to riches and motivational stories, that we often don’t know or realize that progress and success aren’t ever really overnight or even over a year. For most they are years in the making!
Great interview!
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Jennifer says
Thanks for stopping by my blog Alice! 🙂
Christie says
It’s always so interesting about good advice — it translates across all levels. As single person I still feel the pressure “to have it all a–at once.” It’s nice to be reminded to breathe and let that pressure go.
So great that the Valley has some shared office space!
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Jennifer says
I completely agree Christie – that “have it all” mindset can span all demographics, ages, etc. Remember “Keep Calm and _______” (fill in the blank). 🙂
Ranch Office says
Thanks, awesome read! Hope you are staying safe!