Michelle Rozzen is a Licensed Massage Therapist based in the San Fernando Valley. As a mobile massage therapist, she provides services all over Los Angeles. Michelle will often make house calls for her regular clients, although she has been known to work backstage at concerts, behind the scenes at sporting events & even providing services for corporate wellness days.
I was introduced to Michelle by a friend on Facebook. Her job intrigued me & I thought it would be fascinating to peek into her business & learn how Michelle got started in the biz. Although she does not have children, her business is like her baby – so in my mind, she qualifies for a Real Mom of the SFV spotlight. 🙂
Please meet Valley business owner, Michelle Rozzen!
How/why did you begin your business?
Michelle: I played 11 years of water polo during high school and college, and during those years I had a long list of my own injuries to heal and patch up. With all of the physical therapy and massage I received, I became very interested in learning about the muscles and therapy modalities. In addition, during my college years, my Father was diagnosed with ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease. I became more interested in taking care of the body, not only on a physical level, but the overall health of the mind, body and spirit.
For over ten years I have worked with professional NFL, NBA, NHL, & MLB Players, water polo athletes, as well as surfers, bodyboarders, snowboarders locally and internationally. Also, I’ve had 5 years of experience working with clients who are detoxing at drug & alcohol treatment centers. My personal client list includes all facets of the entertainment, athletic, and health industries. I have many elite clientele such as actors, artists, DJs, musicians, dancers, performers, the Dallas Cowboys, NFL training facilities, and I also work with studios providing massage for bands on “tour prep.” Celebrity artists, bands and production teams include: Pharrell Williams, Godsmack, Jennifer Lopez, NeYo, Richie Sambora, Enrique Iglesias, Alicia Keys, Michael Buble, Rihanna, Eminem, John Legend, & Justin Timberlake.
What is one tip or piece of advice that you would give to other female entrepreneurs?
Michelle: One piece of advice for an entrepreneur would be to never give up on your dreams! No matter how hard the path is, stick with what your passion is and love whatever it is you do. Keep smiling and hustling! It’s all worth it in the end!
What do you like best about having a business in the San Fernando Valley?
Michelle: I am a mobile massage therapist based in the San Fernando Valley. However, most of my clients are in the city– Beverly Hills, Century City, Los Angeles, etc. I reside in Agoura Hills though, this is my home, and it’s close to the beach and the mountains. It’s quiet here and where I travel to isn’t really, so when I come home I really enjoy the peacefulness.
If there was one thing you wish you knew before you began your business, what would that be?
Michelle: The inconsistent work flow, particularly at the beginning of the start-up of my business.
You can tell that Michelle is passionate about her business. I love her advice about never giving up on your dreams. The early years of any start-up can be challenging & having to face inconsistent work while your business is ramping up takes perseverance. The next time I come across an obstacle with a business project, I’m going to remember Michelle’s advice & “keep smiling and hustling!”
Check out Michelle’s website if you’d like more information on her massage services. Her specialties include Swedish Massage, Reiki, Deep Tissue, Sports Massage, Pregnancy Massage, Therapeutic Stretching & many more!
Disclosure: No monetary compensation was received for this post. The image shown in this post is used with permission. As always, my opinions are 100% my own.
She is dedicated to helping her clients improve their physical and mental well-being through the use of massage therapy techniques tailored to their individual needs.