I know from my own experience that if you do not enjoy your workout, then you are less likely to commit to it & be consistent. Personally I like variety & trying new exercise classes. However between work & my daughter’s school schedule, I don’t always have time to hit the gym. So when I heard about FXP Hula Hoop, which is a workout that you can do at home, I decided to give it a whirl!
The FXP Hula Hoop Starter Kit comes with:
- FXP Portable Fitness Hula Hoop®
- Carrying Bag
- Non-slip Hooping Mat
- Workout Guide
- Fit in 15 Minutes DVD
The FXP Fitness Hula Hoop is easy to assemble. All you have to do is click each of the six sections into place. Once you hear the click, then you know it is locked in!
After I finished assembling my FXP Fitness Hula Hoop, it was time to pop in the DVD & start my workout!
The DVD contains three different workouts: Cardio Blast, Sculpted Arms & Abs and Lower Body Sculpt. Each segment is 15 minutes. You can do them one at a time or play them all at once so that you get a 45 minute workout! The DVD gives modifications for certain exercise moves, which I can appreciate since it allows me to work up to that next level.
The Workout Guide comes with photos & printed instructions so that you can learn basic FXP Hula Hoop Exercises. Those exercises include: a Cardio Hooping Segment, Glute Segment, Thigh Segment, Cardio Lunge Segment & Yoga Inspired Stretch Segment. The moves have witty names like Picking Apples, Water Skier & my personal favorite – Dust the Table.
Overall, I had fun doing this workout & yes, it did make me sweat! It’s a great complement to my existing exercise routine. I like that I can customize my workout & do one segment for 15 minutes or if time permits, then I can do two segments for 30 or play all three for 45 minutes! The fact that this is portable is also a plus. Later this year my family will be driving to Arizona for a 3-Day weekend family event. With this nifty carrying case, I can bring my hula hoop & DVD with me so that I don’t miss a workout!
Even my daughter got in on the workout! Although please note that this workout is intended for adults only. It’s not a toy (although I did have to pry it out of my kiddo’s hand). 🙂 Also before you begin this program or any other exercise program, you should consult with your physician.
For more info on FXP Hula Hoop, check out their website & don’t forget to follow them on Twitter to get their latest updates. Happy Hooping!
Disclosure: No monetary compensation was received for this post. I received a complimentary FXP Hula Hoop Starter Kit which helped facilitate this review. All images & opinions are 100% my own.
GiGi Eats says
If only… I knew how to Hula Hoop! HA HA HA! Whoops! #FAIL
GiGi Eats recently posted…This Chick Gets A Makeover: Chick-Fil-A
Jennifer says
Lol, GiGi! If it’s easy enough for kids, then you should be able to pick it up too. Thanks for dropping by my blog!
Sam says
Thanks for sharing! I love to hula hoop and hoop dance. Sometimes I even use my hoop as a jump rope (shhhh….) just to up the intensity for a few minutes. This sounds fun!
Sam recently posted…Crab and Salmon Cake Burger Recipe #Yumms
Jennifer says
That jump rope trick is awesome! Great way to amp up the workout. Thanks for checking out my post Sam!