I first met Amelia Butler last year in Burbank when I was working as a parent rep for a national babysitting service/online app. I knew that she was a dance instructor at Mia & the Dragonfly who was very much beloved.
We’ve remained in contact with each other. I remember a couple of months ago she helped organize Kids Day Out 2015, a family festival in Glendale.
Amelia represents someone who is very involved with her community, cares about her students & is very much a Real Mom of the SFV.
Please meet the latest Valley businesswoman to be in the spotlight, Amelia Butler!
How/why did you begin your business?
Amelia: I began my business because I wanted to continue teaching dancing and bring the baby with me.
As a working mother, what is one tip or piece of advice that you would give to other female entrepreneurs?
Amelia: Don’t let your circumstances limit you. There is always a way to achieve success in your business and your home life. Don’t let being a mother stop you from following your dreams/passions.
What do you like best about having a business in the San Fernando Valley?
Amelia: It is very family oriented.
If there was one thing you wish you knew before you began your business, what would that be?
Amelia: To start sooner!
I love that Amelia was able to incorporate her motherhood & job. Sometimes we quit our jobs when first becoming a mom (like I did). I think it is wonderful that she was able to do both. I especially love her piece of advice on not letting being a mom stop you from following your dreams. Too often we put our passion projects on the back burner until “we are ready” but then sometimes those projects never see the light of day. Don’t be like that & listen to what Amelia says & “start sooner!”
Want to learn more about Amelia & her company, Little Monkeys Dance? Check out her website & Facebook page!
Disclosure: No monetary compensation was received for this post. The image shown in this post is used with permission. As always, my opinions are 100% my own.
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