I’m a fan of fitness classes and will generally try any type of exercise at least once. When I’m scrolling through Instagram and see a new fitness studio open in the Valley, I immediately want to try it. So when I saw a post by Kat, owner of barre3 Studio City, I was very intrigued!
I’ve taken barre classes before at other studios and I’m interested in seeing how barre3 Studio City is different from the others. I do know that one of barre3’s core values is to “Practice Authenticity.” I really like that message and look forward to putting that into effect when I take a class at barre 3.
Please meet Kat Doty, owner of barre3 Studio City!
How/why did you begin your business?
Kat: I worked for 20 years as a script supervisor in film and television. When I was single, it was a fantastic job for me. I didn’t crave balance in my life because work *was* my life. When I got married and moved to Los Angeles, all of that changed. Being on set for 15 hours every day didn’t feel as fun when I had a relationship that I wanted to nurture and a husband I truly wanted to spend time with. I discovered barre3 when I was still in my hometown of Toronto, Canada. It was the first workout I have ever actually enjoyed. It changed my relationship with my body entirely and that was huge for me. When I moved to Los Angeles to get married, and discovered there were no barre3 studios here, I started wondering “What if…?” Barre3 focused so much on balance both in the workout and in life, opening a barre3 franchise felt like a great fit for me and the lifestyle I was craving.
What is one tip or piece of advice that you would give to other female entrepreneurs?
Kat: You are the Ship Captain. Lots of people with experience can help guide you, but the decisions are ultimately yours to make and so are the mistakes. My best advice is to own your mistakes, move on from them quickly, and always remember that no one is as invested in your success as you are. Trust yourself!
What do you like best about having a business in the San Fernando Valley?
Kat: We are still in the very early stages of rolling out barre3 Studio City; our doors aren’t officially open yet so I know there are a lot of favorites still to come. So far though, I have LOVED meeting so many new people. The owners of neighboring businesses have been incredibly welcoming and supportive and the residents who have been coming to the free classes we are hosting while we wait for our studio to be built have been SO enthusiastic and super encouraging. Seeing so many moms’ faces light up when I tell them we will be offering childcare once we are open really drives home that the work I’ve put into building this studio is so worth it. I feel so supported by this wonderful group of people that continues to grow. It makes me shiny eyed just thinking about it!
If there was one thing you wish you knew before you began your business, what would that be?
Kat: I wish I had known how to be patient and enjoy the process. This has been such a waiting game from the start. We searched for the right studio space for 15 months – I was SO impatient at the time, but now that we have our perfect space, I know that it was totally worth the wait. Allowing things to happen organically and not forcing them to happen immediately has been a struggle for me (in every aspect and phase of my life if I’m being honest). If I had allowed myself to enjoy the process more as opposed to getting frustrated about things beyond my control, I probably would have saved myself a lot of stress and anxiety. It’s a lesson I am still learning.
My current struggle, ironically, is finding the balance that I started barre3 Studio City to have! I’m enjoying what I’m doing so much, that it’s a real challenge for me to stop and take time for myself. It’s tricky –barre3 is all about wellness, fitness, and self-care so the line where work stops and rest begins is blurry!!
For more information on barre3 Studio City, visit the website here. Also, don’t forget to check out their Facebook page and Instagram account so that you can get the latest updates! Click here to sign up for free classes while their studio is being built.
Disclosure: No monetary compensation was received for this post. The images shown in this post are used with permission. As always, my opinions are 100% my own.
Kellie Kearney says
Kat’s journey is inspiring! Her focus on balance and authenticity really resonates. Excited to try barre3 Studio City and see how it fosters both fitness and community. Great interview!