“The Lost Husband” is a film starring Josh Duhamel, Leslie Bibb, and Nora Dunn. It’s based on Katherine Center’s novel of the same name and Vicky Wight is the writer/director of the film. Earlier this week, I had the opportunity to meet with the cast and creatives of “The Lost Husband” through two separate Zoom interviews that were hosted by The Moms. In speaking with them, I discovered that this movie is sweet and very relatable, as we … [Read more...]
Love, Simon {Movie Review + Cast Interview}
High school can be a fun but angst-filled time. Imagine having a supportive family, a circle of friends & well-meaning teachers, but you have a secret & are unable to live your truth. “Love, Simon” is the coming-of-age story of a young man who feels conflicted about his love life. Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of screening “Love, Simon” as well as the opportunity to take part in a Q&A with actors Jennifer Garner, Josh … [Read more...]