It’s been a little over 3 years since the series finale of “Downton Abbey” aired on the small screen. Fans of the television show, myself included, were thrilled to see storylines wrapped up neatly - Edith finally found love and got married, Anna and Bates have a baby, kitchen helper Daisy becomes smitten with Andy, and so on. So when I first heard about the “Downton Abbey” movie, I was thrilled beyond belief! Would the entire cast come back? … [Read more...]
First Impressions on the Emmy 2014 Nominations
People often joke in LA that we have four seasons, which are Summer, Fall, Fire & Award seasons. Personally I love the entertainment award season, especially the "big" ones like the Emmys, Golden Globes & of course, the Oscars. I often tell my friends & family that the Oscars are my Super Bowl. I really get into the predictions of who will win by participating in "friendly wagers" with friends, where the winner gets treated to lunch. … [Read more...]
Downton Abbey is Back!
(image: PBS) In a couple of days Downton Abbey will be back for its fourth season! I have been an avid watcher of Downton Abbey since almost the beginning. Flashback to December was a few days after Christmas & I was feeling a bit melancholy because the holidays were over. My daughter was asleep, so I was relaxing in front of the TV, switching channels trying to find something to watch. I landed on my local PBS station that was … [Read more...]