Summer is in full swing & that means flip flop time! Recently I was doing some online browsing & came across this product called Flippie Slippies. Flippie Slippies is a flip flop that is custom made with fuzzy yarn attached to the straps of the flip flop. The product is designed & distributed by a mother-daughter team based in the Valley.
Please meet the latest Real Mom of the SFV, Leslie Dinstman!
How/why did you begin your business?
Leslie: When my daughter was 10 years old, she learned how to crochet over flip flops in a class. She started to make the flip flops for friends and relatives. I thought it would be a great idea to start a business making these so we formed a website. She named the flip flops with the yarn on the straps, Flippie Slippies as they are a flip flop and slipper all in one. We bought flip flops wholesale and yarn and started making the Flippie Slippies and selling them online, street fairs and charitable boutiques.
As a working mother, what is one tip or piece of advice that you would give to other female entrepreneurs?
Leslie: As a working mother I would advise to other female entrepreneurs to take a risk with an idea to have and go for it! You never know where it will lead.
What do you like best about having a business in the San Fernando Valley?
Leslie: I like having a business in the San Fernando Valley as this is where I grew up so I know a lot of people here and support the various schools, temples and churches with their fundraisers. I am very comfortable living and working in the Valley.
If there was one thing you wish you knew before you began your business, what would that be?
Leslie: It’s hard to think of anything I wish I knew before I began my business, because I had a catering business and was well prepared for this new venture I started 10 years ago.
It’s such a cute product! I love that the idea came from a young girl & that the product was nurtured by her mom & is now a full-fledged business. The company has expanded beyond flip flops & now includes apparel & accessories, plus picnic bags & lunch coolers.
For more information on, check out the website here. Also don’t forget to “like” the Facebook page so that you can get the latest updates!
Disclosure: No monetary compensation was received for this post. All images are my own unless otherwise noted. The image shown in this post is used with permission. As always, my opinions are 100% my own.
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