About a year & a half ago, I cut out cheese & Diet Coke for 4 weeks in preparation for my family’s summer vacation to Hawaii. I also limited carbs, coffee & tea about 2 weeks prior to the trip. I remember feeling great during that vacation – well rested & energetic. Since we were in Hawaii, I made sure to eat a lot of local fruits & fish – so it was easy to eat “clean” while we were there.
Earlier this summer, I tried a juice cleanse for the first time. Now I know that cleanses are not for everyone, but every now & then sometimes I just have to hit the “reset” button. Now that the weather is getting colder in LA (finally), I thought this would be the perfect time to try out the newest health trend – souping!
Soupure is an LA-based company that has developed a line of cold & hot soups, tonics, waters, & soup cleanses. I ordered the one-day cleanse on Friday afternoon & it was delivered to me on Monday morning in this cute tote bag!
The tote bag included my soup menu with cleanse instructions. The one-day cleanse contains 6 soups plus 2 waters/tonics. The soups are all packaged in glass jars, which make perfect containers for my daughter’s paint brushes & other assorted art supplies after my cleanse was over. 🙂
Tuesday morning came & I opened my fridge to look at the 8 bottles filled with organic, nutrient & fiber-rich liquids. I sipped on my chilled pear yuzu water while I did my usual morning routine of waking up my daughter for school, preparing her breakfast & checking the news. As she ate her oatmeal, I warmed up my chicken miso soup that is made with organic chicken bone broth.
After I dropped my kiddo off at school, I headed on over to my local gym. I had already made up my mind that I would skip my usual TRX class & do an hour of cardio instead on the elliptical & stationary bike. Normally I eat an energy bar or snack on some almonds after my workout, but I had my “Superhero” soup to look forward to when I got home.
The Superhero is a chilled soup that reminded me of an almond smoothie. It tastes delicious & it really hit the spot after my workout. The Superhero is actually a non-dairy product made with almond milk, Brazil nuts, dandelion tea, chia seeds, walnuts & dates, among other protein-rich items. You can check out the nutrition label here & see for yourself.
For lunch I had a warm zucchini basil soup. Now you might think that the soup was completely blended, but there were little chunks of zucchini in the soup to give it that texture, thus satisfying my craving to chew on something. After lunch & throughout the day, I sipped on pineapple basil water. I have to admit, this was my least favorite to drink. It had a strong “bite” to it (I’m not much of a pineapple person though) & combining it with basil gave it an interesting taste. That’s ok because I had the “Blackout” soup to look forward to!!
While this Blackout soup might seem dark & ominous to you, it is really very tasty! It’s made with bananas & black sesame seeds. Yep, black sesame seeds – who knew?!? You can drink it hot or chilled, but at that point in the day, I just drank it cold – popping in a straw & sipping it right from the jar.
For my evening snack & dinner, I had a warm Japanese sweet potato soup & afterwards sipped on a chilled strawberry cashew soup.
I opted to treat the chilled strawberry soup like a shake & drank it out of a cup with a straw. It had a thick consistency, made with organic strawberries, cashews, coconut water & raw honey.
I thought I would go to bed super hungry, but much to my surprise the soups kept me satisfied & were filling in a way that previous cleanses weren’t. For the rest of the week, I tried to maintain good food choices & be mindful of what I was eating.
Would I do another one-day cleanse? Sure, but I can also see myself ordering these soups as a snack or starter course. One thing to note: Currently Soupure delivers locally to Los Angeles only. Hopefully they will start shipping to other locations soon so that my friends outside of the SFV & LA area can enjoy it!
For more information on Soupure, check out their website & Facebook page!
Tell me, have you ever done a one-day, three-day or five-day cleanse? If so, would you try a soup cleanse?
Disclosure: No monetary compensation was received for this post. I received complimentary Soupure soups which helped facilitate this review. All images are mine unless otherwise noted. As always, my opinions are 100% my own.
That looks pretty delicious! I’ve never heard of a soup cleanse and it sounds more appealing to me than juice. I love soup.
AJ recently posted…I’m Ranty About CVS Receipts
The soup cleanse actually made me feel “fuller” than a juice cleanse. Some of the soups have actual vegetable pieces that you can chew, so maybe that helps me psychologically – like “hey, I’m eating & not just sipping.”
That sounds interesting! Checking out their website now
It’s a great concept & who doesn’t want to drink soup on cold winter days like now. Thanks for dropping by my blog!